
Saturday, March 18, 2017

Eminent Domain for the Wall

The Daily Beast reports that people have started to receive notices.  So much for small government.

Kellyanne's husband gets a Justice Dept job

Read the WaPo story for yourself. Of course he got a job. Cronyism at its best.

So much for Student Loan Reform

WaPo reports (as did the NYT) that the Trump Administration Dept of Ed rolled back protections for people in default on student loan debt . Good lord. They really don't care. Pete Session today gave some drivel about the problem with student loans is not enough jobs. Eye roll.

Mercers: The Puppet Masters

WaPo has a story about How the Mercer Family partnered with Bannon to tear down our systems and give rise to the divisive populist climate. First, blame Citizens United. Second, be informed. The corruption is writ large and the Mercers are 21st century party bosses and all the negative that entails. They don't care about the middle class or the poor - they care about themselves.

Is there a deep state?

NYT poses the question about What happens when you fight a deep state that doesn't exist.  The issue to me is that Trump and Bannon are trying to destroy the government and create an oligarchy. So they attack agencies and facts and then act surprised when people stand up to them. The so called "deep state" is really opposition and resistance but authoritarian regimes see that as "deep state".

Still more budget information.....

Several links here: Brookings has two articles, one that looks at the negative effects of Trump's budget and the other on the damage to the Rust Belt area. And WaPo reports that his budget will do NOTHING for the deficit.  This budget is bad news. I know that the House will work on it as well but this is a terrible place to start. Let me channel Chicken Little: the sky is falling.

Pending Trade War??

WaPo reports that the G20 summit resulted in Mnuchin rejecting the statement and endorsing Trump's protectionist agenda . So what I wonder is how long until trade wars start? Don't we remember the impact of isolation and protection in the 1920s? Or tariffs in the 19th century? Sigh.

China urges a cool head to the U.S.

WaPo reports that China urges Tillerson and the US to keep their cool with N. Korea.  China. Urges. the U.S. to keep its cool. This is the world we now live in. The U.S. is now a joke and not a leader - except that we have more nuclear weapons. Yay us. :p

Cost of Trump goes beyond budget cuts

WaPo covered just how much Trump's travel and living arrangements cost.  I think their words say it all:

If Melania and Barron never move to Washington and if Trump heads to Mar-a-Lago for four out of every nine weekends, our estimates put the total cost at something like $526 million over the course of Trump’s presidency. Melania Trump is apparently planning to join her husband in Washington at the end of the school year, though, and Trump calls Mar-a-Lago the “winter White House,” implying that he won’t be there in the summer. In which case the overall spending plummets further.
To only, say, $130 million or so. Only enough to fund the homelessness agency until 10-year-old Barron Trump is 42.

Work requirement for Medicaid

WaPo reports major changes to Medicaid with the work requirement, not that I am surprised by that. It is worth being informed.

Trump & Co Supposed donations to Charity

WaPo reported that the Trump camp made at least 3 big promises about charitable donations that have not come to pass. Should we be surprised??

Friday, March 17, 2017

Alert on Healthcare

The last thing I want is the GOP Healthcare bill to gain support from anywhere . Contact your representative by phone and register your disapproval if you are so inclined.

German elections

From Brookings about Martin Schultz, the Social Democrat running against Merkel. 

AI promoting massive communication?

Al Jazeera shared this op ed Artificial Intelligence will delete nationalism . I don't know what I think about this, if I agree or not, but it is thought provoking. 

Healthcare Pinocchios

WaPo Fact-checked the White House Spin on Healthcare provides a good analysis on the CBO and how the spin is generating.

The American Dream in Paradise Lost

The Atlantic's Edward Simon writes about The Enduring Relevance of Milton's Paradise Lost . Great, smart piece about Milton and the nature of evil, or rather its banality. We must constantly be aware of how selfishness makes us evil and how we contort justifications to excuse it.

Budget Implications - Again

I know - I have already posted about the budget but this is a big deal to me because it represents an America I don't recognize. All of these articles come from WaPo. First the White House endorses removing 30,000 FAA workers . Yes, 30k. How is that for increasing unemployment. Not to mention flying safety. I guess we can privatize and make air safety a for profit thing. Next is a real analysis of the Meals on Wheels program that makes the Mulvaney comments ludicrous. And lastely is a great satirical piece by Alexandra Petri on how Trump's Budget Makes Perfect Sense . I know that budgets are always about negotiating and much of this is typical Republican cut the spending but haven't we already been here? The Gilded Age and the 1920s (both of which seem to be periods Trump wants to emulate) were rejected by Americans because as a nation we valued people. I am not saying Social Security and the Great Society Programs don't have unintended consequences that need to be addressed, just that throwing out the baby with the bathwater is not a good idea.

Trump's Taxes - The 2005 release leaves us wanting more

Brookings analyzed what the Rachel Maddow 2005 Tax Return version of Al Capone's vault in What Trump's tax return tells us . Non partisan, but it does point out that we should be asking more questions, like "Why don't you want to pay your taxes Donald? Why do you want to get ride of the AMT?" His presidency is a con job to enrich himself and make the US play by rules he sets. Just saying.

The Orwellian Spicer Press Room on Wiretapping annotated

I love, love, love when WaPo Annotates stuff, in this case Spicer's press meeting over the wiretapping claim . Seriously - if this topic bothers you then you should read this. Not only do you get a better picture of the real story, but you also get an insight into how the Trump Administration deals with the free press.

It is getting real folks (N. Korea I mean)

Three articles here that address the same issue of Sec of State Tillerson rejecting talks with N. Korea and adopting a new tactic. WaPo Tillerson says all options are on the table , BBC News US Speaks of N. Korea military option, and NYT Rex Tillerson Rejects Talks . What does this mean? He** if I know. On one hand, Tillerson could be using tough talk to drive China into a more aggressive action against N. Korea. The issue there is that China has not done enough to control the Kims, probably to maintain a sphere of influence and keep Japan in check. In addition, we have been "talking" to N. Korea for 20+ years with no sustained cooperation and Kim has simply increased their nuclear capabilities. On the other hand, is Tillerson venturing into a delicate diplomatic situation with Trumpian and Exxon bravado that will pull us to the verge, or into war in Asia? (And let us remember the history of fighting in Asia.....WWII, Korea, Vietnam..... our last big success was Commodore Perry's sailing into Yedo Bay and then the Teddy Roosevelt Great White Fleet.) You decide.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Congress Balks at Trump Budget and What is next for the Budget

Brookings nicely outlined Four Key Points regarding Trump's budget and the struggle is explained in WaPo Explaining how Republicans and Congress are not on board . And in case you forgot who is really hurt by the Trump Budget, read WaPo's analysis on the impact for the poor . I also saw on Twitter where the White House budget guy Mulvaney explained that Meals on Wheels and after school programs are not producing results and should be cut. It is sickening in my opinion. Immoral.

The Wiretap lie

Politifact reviewed Trump's claim with Carlson Tucker that the NYT initially reported the wiretap of Trump Tower and found it false (see previous post about Trump's truth rating). HuffPo reported that the Senate Intelligence Committee found no evidence although apparently Spicer and the White House doubled down on the lie. Can we impeach him yet? I am not crazy about Pence but Trump is nuts and surrounds himself with nuts.

Texas Public Utilities Commission isn't so concerned about the public

DMN Watchdog reports that the PUC ignored public requests to make it clearer when shopping for electricity providers . Are we really surprised? Texas has been a corporate bedfellow while claiming small government for some time. Be wary when shopping for electricity - there is no truth in advertising.

Texas Senate and Anti Abortion Bills

DMN reports that the Texas Senate approved two anti abortion bills . My issue is that it is politicians interfering between a woman and her doctor. I don't like abortion but this is a violation of privacy.

Congress is getting unhappy over Trump claims

NYT reports that members of Congress are stridently rejecting the wiretapping claims  and WaPo reports that they are demanding more cooperation on the Trump Russian connection . It is about time.

Easing Fuel Restrictions - Tin Foil Hat Warning

NYT Times reported that Trump plans to ease fuel emission restrictions to encourage auto jobs . Ready for the tin foil? Trump is friendly with the Saudis who are trying to improve their economy following increasing American oil independence, and the Saudis (despite their terror connections) just had a meeting with Trump. The budget allows for destroying the EPA, opening up reserves for exploitation. I get the feeling this is a plan to increase our dependence on oil for the Saudis and to turn the United States into a for real oligarchy along the lines of Saudi Arabia. I think I am starting to get paranoid.

As Trumpcare advances through the House, Brookings released a stinging rebuke

So WaPo reported that the House Budget Committee advanced Trumpcare to the House Floor even though the Freedom Caucus (Tea Partiers) voted against it. Brookings published a story from Fortune on the Pure Fantasy of Trumpcare by Henry Aaron, economist. What this tells us is that we as a country must have a real conversation about our expectations for health care.

More on the Trump Budget Implications

There are several relevant stories here.  If you are short on time go straight to the graphic. The first several come from WaPo: The Trump Budget will cut the arts, science, and assistance to the poor , and the Graphic Illustrates the Budget  . Basically the money will go to the military and homeland security (and part of that is the wall that Mexico is supposed to pay for) with some increases for Veterans Affairs (the only part of this I like), while pretty much every other department is cut. WaPo compares this Trump "Blueprint" to Reagan's re-organization and has two stories the analyze the impact to the arts and the impact to science and research. DMN addresses the Wall Price Tag in the Budget and the NYT echoes the concerns of WaPo on Trump Budget that will hurt his supporters (although there is more marginally more money to treat opiod addiction) and Elminating the National Endowment for the Humanities and Growing the Pentagon at the expense of the EPA .

I don't know about you, but this turns the country back 100 years in my opinion. He is creating a budget for himself and what he and his rich friends want. Gone will be national parks, historical sites, art programs, money for education. It is blowing up government as we know it.

The Federal System will prevent tyranny

WaPo reported that a Federal Judge froze the new travel & immigration ban on behalf of the state of Hawaii , and the NYT reported the challenge by 2 judges and this is a great lesson in the role of the branches of government and states. The irony is that the Repubs want to push everything back to the states but here is a state pushing back against the federal government's action. On one hand, it is good to see the federal system at work. On the other, I have real concerns about the confederation concept that appears to be emerging. It will frustrate the administration to be sure. And the travel ban will not solve terrorism and of course doesn't affect countries where Trump does business, like Saudi Arabia.

There is hope on the geopolitical front.

WaPo covered that the Dutch Prime Minister defeated Geert Wilders the far right candidate. NYT Takes a more reserved look at the defeat of Wilders

The Fed Raises Rates - Yellen Marches to her own beat

WaPo reveals that the Fed will be raising interest rates and that is bound to make the Trump Administration unhappy. The economy needs a stable hand even if Trump wants to spur growth to Gilded Age levels. Of course, he and his banker friends have the resources to withstand a major depression. I wonder what the tweet storm will look like. Here is a link to the NYT story on the higher interest rates.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

How about that?

In case you are wondering about the wire tapping, WaPo has an analysis of the evidence of the wire tapping claim  that does a pretty good job of laying out the details.

Increased military action in Syria

WaPo points out the fact of increased US involvement in Syria, albeit in an advisory capacity (I will ignore the Vietnam references)  as well as the questions about the Commander in Chief and the military becoming props. This is a real concern to me anyway, and I don't have boys in the fight. (Although I have 4 draft age.) I don't know what to think. The whole thing is a hot mess and I want someone to admit it.

GOOD NEWS!!! More Per Student!!

HB 21 is a yes! Or at least contact your state representatives to say yes. This is a huge step in the right direction.

Find a Swim Buddy!!

This DMN Article on finding your counterpoint is INVALUABLE . We must communicate to overcome the divisions and talk about concerns.

Town Halls - What are they good for?

WaPo cited a Joe Barton town hall where he told a constituent to shut up but the tag line ignores that he called on the same guy later First, watch the headlines and actually read the article. I was curious because I am planning on the Sessions Town Hall on Saturday. More to come.

Withholding?? Not the Trump Admin! Or Yes. Or Maybe.

WaPo cites the Senate Judiciary Committee for pushing back against Trump over Russian connections and the wiretap claim. Some of this is insider BS. Some is real S***. In Texas, who knows what is what. But the Trump claim on GOP control is weakening. Email, mail, call you Representative and Senators. It is worth it. I do so roughly every 7-10 days to let them know I watch, read, listen. I created a spreadsheet, form letter, and PDFs of both. I email, I send letters. I am done letting someone else set the agenda. I work, have a family, and created a way to be politically engaged regardless. Whatever you do matter. One email. One letter. Own It. Do It! If you want tips, comment. I will tell you what I do. Most probably gets me on a watch list, but I don't care. #Whateves.

Freedom of Speech - It is a real thing. Suck it up buttercup.

I am no fan of Trump - bias stated. But if you wrap yourself in the flag, and run for office then you open yourself up to slings and arrows (mixed metaphors and references abound). WaPo reports Trump's response to Snoop Dogg's video - I have not watched because well frankly none of it is to my taste - but really, Dude (not the Lebowski use of the reference btw), you are Prez - rise above! It is called free speech and it includes things most "average" people dislike: flag burning, in your face homosexuality (it isn't that we mind what you do, we just don't get it and need time to adjust - I personally struggle with transgender, and I know the logic and agree with it but emotionally I struggle), protests that damage property, cuss words, and so on. I know, I know, it is pedantic. But whatever my misgivings on any controversial issue I SUPPORT THE 1ST AMENDMENT!!!! Snoop is using it and more power to him! If you love this country you should feel the same (at the risk of being preachy) - this is what young men die for! We may not think this specific case is worth it, but the big idea is. So suck it up buttercup.

Misinformation - But it is not from the media

WaPo exposed White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney's misinformation, or shall I say outright lie??!! They rated it 4 Pinocchios. In essence, he took his unique circumstance and applied to people making 1/5 what he makes except those people would not have been in his situation. This is typical of the ACA misinformation campaign of the last 6 years. It isn't that I mind arguing about policy, or even taxes or what not, but rather let's start with a set of facts. But that never seems to happen with Repubs and Trump Loyalists. The alternative facts universe is ridiculous.

When you play with rattlesnakes, sometimes you get bit......

WaPo looked at the fracture within the GOP between Trump Loyalists (are we really having to use the term Loyalist in 2017??) and the Ryan GOP over Healthcare (Trump Loyalists sound the Alarm).  On one hand, this is classic Trump - bail out when the going gets hard. He is not a loser because he changes sides before the losing really happens. This is indicative of his shockingly amoral character (hello, Evangelicals who might have just elected the antichrist). It also tells us that the GOP doesn't get what  Populist revolution is. Ryan thought he could play with a rattlesnake in order to get his austerity measures passed. (What he thought was going to happen over the military budget, I don't know.) I am cynically amused.

Tin foil hats and Taxes

The big story last night was Rachel Maddow and Trump's 2005 Tax Return which showed that Trump paid roughly a 25% tax rate. Boo hoo. Um, my husband and I with a family income of $120,000 pay a 25% tax rate. The fact Trump and his millions pay the same as my family is obscene.

Now for the Tin Foil. WaPo posed the question Did Trump Leak His Own Return ? The return does have "Client Copy" on it, and all it really shows is his total income and what he paid in taxes - very little information on it really. It is the kind of thing one uses when filling out a FAFSA, etc. (not that Trump ever filled out a FAFSA, or knows what it is).

I thought last night that this is a Trumpian tactic to distract from the healthcare debate. He is getting mad about Ryan and Trumpcare and wants to shift attention away. The fact that we even consider this as a viable truth is also obscene.

At best, this is much ado about nothing that changes nothing. At worst, it is part of the dystopian world we now live in. You decide.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Trump - Worse than Nixon?

Two link here: First, a link to PolitiFact rating Donald Trump on the Truth Meter - half of what is says is false. Then WaPo has an article from Nixon's John Dean on Donald Trump that is pretty telling. He rates Trump as more authoritarian than Nixon.

Trump and the Saudi Prince meet

CNN Money posts about the meeting between Trump and the Saudi Crown Prince I don't know how you feel about Saudi Arabia but I have issues with Saudi Arabia politically.

Trump's Jekyll and Hyde on Foreign Policy

Politico Magazine has a piece on Trump's Foreign Policy that is truly terrifying. WWIII. Just saying.

PM cites interviews from the 80s and 90s where Trump claims he has more expertise than any other 20th century leader and that his foreign policy goes to pre WWI. Yes. Really.

EU and Freedom of Expression

Al Jazeera did an article on a Ruling from the EU Court Allowinig Employers to ban political, religious, and philosophical symbols that is largely perceived as targeting Muslim women. Is this a slippery slope?

CBO: What is it? What does it say? And why attacks on the CBO matter.

WaPo breaks down the CBO report and then questions why the White House is attacking it.

ACA Revision will leave millions without healthcare which is something I have already posted about.

Notably, the CBO states that defunding Planned Parenthood will lead to more births  which is ironic since the Repubs in Congress and the WH want to cut education and lunches and life expectancy in the US is lower than other developed countries. Huh? What is this about?

Lastly, what is the CBO and why do attacks matter?  It is non partisan and analyzes implications of Congressional policy - put in place in 1975 probably as a response to frustrations with Great Society programs and attempts to streamline those. Dems and Repubs are often at odds with it, and the ACA was targeted as well. (Repubs cited it as a source then!) Why do attacks on it matter? Because in this world of "fake news" there should be some sources we rely on. The Trump Administration wants to demonize any sources except the president and people, that is totalitarianism.

The Sad State of Healthcare in the U.S. and what the Republican plan does to ignore it

The WaPo has an op ed and NYT has 3 articles that are worth reading on the subject.

The first is an op ed that Being an American is Life Threatening . I lead with this because it points out the problem of healthcare in the U.S. It is an op ed though.

Next is a fact check piece by NYT on the Trump Administration's attacks on the ACA . This illustrates that the ACA faces a LOT of misinformation.

NYT also provided hypothetical cases on How the Republican Healthcare Plan will affect you , so if you want examples to visualize what the plan means this is it. It illustrates that the working poor suffer the most.

NYT also provided a CBO analysis with graphics that illustrate the CBO analysis. For more info on the CBO attack, see the CBO post. 😀

Monday, March 13, 2017

What will Rex Tillerson do in Asia?

PBS News Hour : Why is Tillerson Keeping a low profile  Yes, indeed. Asia is a real concern and what exactly will he do? This administration acts like a totalitarian regime.

Healthcare - Millions will lose coverage

WaPo Trumpcare causes 24 million to lose coverage , Ryan won't repeat Trump's promise

I simply cannot agree with or begin to find a defense of this plan. It is reprehensible.

Politco White House analysis worse than CBO

Trump is redefining government

WaPo Trump budget is a major contraction of federal government

Won't this create unemployment? And unequal states? And competition between states? Didn't we solve this already?? I just don't understand!

The spending budget Trump is set to release Thursday will offer the clearest snapshot of his vision for the size and role of government. Aides say that the president sees a new Washington emerging from the budget process, one that prioritizes the military and homeland security while slashing many other areas, including housing, foreign assistance, environmental programs, public broadcasting and research. Simply put, government would be smaller and less involved in regulating life in America, with private companies and states playing a much bigger role.

Cops and Teachers Have to do everything

WaPo Opiod overdoses make cops doctors, counselors

As the current administration destroys the federal government and the safety net while they spend money on creating a police state, cops are forced into counseling and medicine. Cops are trained to cops, not the complete safety net.

More Hate

WaPo KKK Sign in Georgia town

This is so sad. So much racism and hate. How did we get here?

Kellyanne Conway -Mean Girl

Wa Po covered her responses regarding Trump's wiretapping claim (Yes, she suggested spying through the microwave and a subsequent op ed ("I'm not in the job of giving evidence")

You may not be Inspector Gadget but you do defend wild and unfounded accusations. KC is nauseating to me. She is so self promoting. I dislike seeing her face on anything. I get it, she is the voice of conservatives but she doesn't talk policy or values. She is a mean girl and that's it.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Russian Intervention is a National Security Issue and State Lawmakers seek to curb it

Brookings Russia's ability to intervene is a National Security Issue

PBS News Hour State Lawmakers seek to curb foreign influence

So isn't this a job for our federal government? Oh wait, they are trying to destroy government (anarchists). The Russia thing needs to be investigated.

Sec of State Tillerson - The Quiet Man, or a Killer of Swamp Creatures?

NYT Tillerson leads State Dept from the Shadows

I am not sure what I think about this. I just thought his different approach is worth noting. The next few months will tell, with North Korea and all.

On another note, I think "drain the swamp" actually means get rid of Democrats. Seriously. It isn't about ending corruption, it is about becoming a one party government.

Quote: But he is also introverted, a bit standoffish. He never met in person with John Kerry, his predecessor. “These guys came in to drain the swamp,” one career State Department official said, “and it’s clear that they are under orders not to cooperate or deal with swamp creatures.”

Have You Seen the Movie The Day After Tomorrow?

WaPo Heavy snow, blizzard in NorthEast

So while the south has an early spring, the north has a late blizzard...where is Dennis Quaid and Jake Gylennhal? Yeah, and our EPA guy questions climate change. *eye roll*

Education and Computer Programming

Brookings Educational Equality and Excellence will drive a stronger economy

Well, duh. Actually, this points out the need for computer programming. So we don't need to fuss so much about instruction methods as we do what we are teaching (content) and technology. (See my ETEC website on TPCK)

Gee, I wonder why the lower profile? Maybe because Trump is WRONG! What a BAD DUDE!

WSJ Trump lowers profile following wire tapping claim

I might be humored by this except he is the President and he holds the launch codes. No offense to those who voted for Trump, but I hope you feel good about your vote because I sure don't. And I voted for Bush 43 twice!

Go 'Merica!

Wa Po Man Starts Dumpster Fire to run Arabs out; owners are Indian

People of conscience should abhor and stand up to this level of hate. I am so disturbed by the white nationalism.

Competing World Visions

NYT Putin and Merkel have different visions for Europe

Again, nationalism is taking hold all over the world. What's the over under for the next world war? And under Trump the U.S. is ceding its global influence. What irony that Germany is now the voice of reason in the 21st century!

Sigh. April is the witching month. See my post on Trump and a Crisis.....

WaPo North Korea's Arsenal

And this isn't the soccer kind. South Korea leadership is in chaos. Trump is unpredictable and ill informed/prepared. North Korea is crazy. Yeah, nothing to worry about here. Let me just say that we have no idea or understanding about Asia and never have. It is a historical fact.

It is a Brave New World!

WaPo House Bill to allow employers to conduct genetic testing.

Or their employees will face financial penalties. So let me get this straight - ACA is too much government, but this is okay?? Um, Bill of Rights, 4th Amendment?? It is hypocritical to refuse to provide national healthcare but then allow our employers to genetically test us. This is not about the Constitution, it is about laissez faire (and it is repulsive!). Not to mention the connections to Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Wow.

When is the next world war?

WaPo Anti immigrant anger in liberal Netherlands

I don't know when the next world war will be but the disturbing trend towards nationalism is a real concern.

Cops & Teachers: Similar issues

WaPo Police Departments likely to adopt new technology without analysis

Again, education and law enforcement share similar issues whether that is a few bad apples making us all look bad - or stupid - and the tendency of higher ups to go crazy for the latest and supposedly greatest thing.

Heaven forbid we do something for a few years and learn to do it well. Or that we look to what has worked historically and see how to make it relevant to the 21st century. Or that we really analyze how something works!

Free Lunches for All School Kids!

WaPo 13 Million Kids Go to School Hungry

I know, I know, big government is bad. But if we care about the future of society and care about kids and life then why aren't we providing free lunches, and free breakfast, at school for all kids regardless of income? I know that for years my family made just slightly too much money for reduced lunches. My kids got fed but a reduced breakfast and lunch would have been helpful. (Yes, we were once in THAT category. Wyatt went to Head Start.) As a teacher, this is a more profound pedagogical tool than testing or changing instruction every year!

What is up with this? Teachers & students? Yuck.

DMN Asst football coach at Carter HS has improper relationship

Ew. I am so sick and tired of gross adults with no sense making teachers look bad. Seriously. This guy is 38 and old enough to know better. The girl was 16. Of course, teenagers are difficult and at times think they are way more mature than they are. Still, at 38 he should have known better. If he were 23 and she were 18, then it would still be unprofessional but it might be understandable. This is just wrong and hurts teachers reputations, much like a bad cop hurts police. And of course, the media broadcasts .......

What a creep! Way to go police!

DMN Man Hits Toddler to toughen him, attacks disabled man who intervened

How very repulsive. And the state wants to privatize CPS..... Or maybe there isn't anything we as a society can do about this? Poor baby. And I am so glad that man was there to defend him!