
Friday, March 31, 2017

Sanders and Pinocchios

WaPo gives Sanders 3 Pinocchios for saying that the Dem insistance on 60 votes for Gorsuch is not a fillibuster. It also corrects the idea that Dems have much choice. Sanders has a habit of generalizing and overstating. Just saying.

Resistance School

Interested in changing the direction of the country, or opposing Trump agenda, or promoting progressiveness? Resistance School provides 4 one hour sessions that you can live stream, or watch afterwards. I will probably check it out to see what it has to say.

Nunes and the no good meeting

NYT broke that Nunes met with 2 WH staffers to get the incidental wiretap info and the WaPo provides a good analysis of the situation. Oh what a tangled web we weave......

Isolation of Tillerson

WaPo reports that Sec of State Tillerson is isolated, and frankly, the dude sounds weird. And it is killing off the reputation of the U.S. These people want to destroy the country. Seriously.

Kushner an innovator? Not hardly.

WaPo has a perspective piece by the former editor of the NY Observer who worked for Kushner (who owned the Observer), Essentially, Kushner's role in the Dept. of American Innovation or whatever it is called is a joke. He mismanaged the Observer, is into "vanity" projects, and his main experience is in family businesses. It must be nice to have money.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Tillerson didn't want the job

Great. The Guardian reports that Rex Tillerson did not want the job of Sec of State and that his wife told him it was God's will.  I am bothered by the fact he didn't want the job and that now he thinks he was ordained to do this. I am all about doing God's will but as Sec of State it concerns me.

Working hard or hardly working?

WaPo reports that for every 1 of 3 days, Trump has visited a Trump property. Yeah, that is working hard for America. Also an update from 3/27 that shows Fox News lied about Trump being at the WH.

Lost Privacy

Everything is for sale in Trump World: NYT Congress moves to remove privacy rules

Filibuster of Gorsuch nomination

NYTs shows that Dems are going to fillibuster Gorsuch which I like because the Russian collusion issue makes the Trump agenda questionable.

Resurgence of Hate

This story of the Baltimore man who killed a black man out of racism breaks my heart.

London Terrorist was British

NYT Times reports that the attacker was British and a convert to Islam. The threat with ISIS is not immigration but rather social media and the failure of liberalism. We also have a type of populism emerging whether it is religious or class based or national.

The Future of the Trump Agenda

I am going to start with my take on the Trump Agenda and what the healthcare failure means. First, the Freedom Caucus is about obstruction and anarchy, not governing. Second, Ryan doesn't have real support for his small government measures and the Trump populism shows you that. Trump voters need the government programs so the question is not cutting but how to better implement them. The Republican party is divided and falling apart and has been, that is how we ended up with Trump. Trump is shutting out Democrats (and why, I don't know because the populist Dems could be all over some of his nationalist ideas). What does this mean for the Trump agenda? Probably DOA, unless the learning curve improves significantly. And Trumps use of Fox to attack Ryan and for Fox to be his mouthpiece is disturbing on many levels. Below are relevant articles.
Reuters: Priebus says Trump may bypass hardliners to get his agenda passed
WaPo: Trumps path forward gets harder
WaPo: Who's to blame?
WaPo: Fox host calls on removal of Ryan after Trump tweets about her show
WaPo: A New Dynamic in the house
NYT Trump vs Congress
NYT GOP Civil War

North Korea and Kim - Crazy like a fox

WaPo covers a new angle that Kim is perfectly sane and knows what he is doing, which might be scarier than crazy.

Charlie Rose and Michael Morrell

This is a great analysis of the investigation into Trump Charlie Rose and Michael Morrell and this piece from NBC News (boy I am glad NBC dropped the Apprentice so I could start watching it again) about the vice chair of the Intel committee