
Friday, March 24, 2017

The Despair of the Middle Class

WaPo reports on the disease of despair that is causing drugs uses, drinking, and suicide to increase among the working middle class.  I blogged about this yesterday but since then I have had and interesting thought. Perhaps the decline of the middle class is a systematic failure of our government to prepare people for the seismic shift of technology? If you look at the 70s (and the end of the Nixon presidency) as the height of working middle class, factor in the ineptitude (domestically) of Jimmy Carter with the Reaganomics of Ronald Reagan what you have is cutting programs that provided retraining and a safety net. What is needed is another New Deal, and the political causation is abandoning that mindset. This is just a random thought but it might be intriguing.

Healthcare: Trumpcare DOA

WaPo has two articles, one that provides an overview of why the GOP pulled the AHCA at the last minute and one that recounts an interview with Trump himself over the issue. I think the healthcare issue was toxic to most because of the support and a galvanized "silent" majority from the last 6 years. The Trump interview shows Trump positioning himself to blame Democrats and increase the partisan divide. It sounds like 19th century Dems blaming abolitionists for not solving slavery.

Manafort volunteers to testify? Why?

WaPo reports that Manafort volunteered to testify to the House Intelligence Committee.  David Nunes is shouting this from the rooftops but this doesn't make Nunes look any less compromised as head of the committee. My big question is why Manafort would volunteer. Trying to control the spin?? We need an independent counsel to investigate, if there is truly nothing to hide.

Global Issues: French Election, Russian Assassination

Brookings has a great article that breaks down the candidates for the French president, and given the concerns about the EU and populism it is worth a glance. And a former Russian lawmaker was assassinated in Kiev according to WaPo.  It is worth noting since there are strange connections with Trump and Russia. Or maybe we shouldn't, since we do bad stuff too. *eye roll*

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Crazy Trump Interview with Time

Time interviewed Pres. Trump on numerous issues. PoliticaFact studied the interview and fact checked it.  He doubles down on his lies All of them. Yeah, he's our president.

Filibuster of Gorsuch

WaPo reports that Schumer will lead a filibuster of Gorsuch's confirmation. I am not a fan of the filibuster but given the scandals around Trump and Russia, it is valid to stop a confirmation by a president that might be corrupted and illegitimate.

Eminent Domain vs Liberty

DMN reports that the Trump Administration is going to use eminent domain (5th amendment) to pursue the border wall (at taxpayer expense). 1) Immigration reform is a top priority. We must address this. (See this story from Maryland about immigrants detained at the Mexican border who raped a teen.) 2) Where is the TeaParty at?? Talk about big gvoernment. 3) When it comes to Trump, he doesn't care about liberty or government or who pays. We need to abandon the wall plan and come up with a better way to control immigration from Latin America and improve the citizenship process.

Graphics reveals deep divisions in consumer confidence

Bloomberg has a great graphic that shows the divisions in consumer confidence between rich and poor. What does this mean? A strong economy is when the middle and working class feel like it is safe to spend. They do not. Rising interest rates check the speculation of the rich. The Trump economy will devastate us. The signs are there.

Improve physicians access to medicine information

This National Bureau of Economic Research explains that expanding physicians access to drug and pharmaceutical information lowers costs and makes drug treatment more effective.  So one easy, common sense way to improve healthcare and health costs. Instead of letting pharma companies make the decisions, let them focus on R & D and let the doctors figure out what to do with the drugs. Doctors have a lot of education with which to make decisions. It is like letting teachers decide how to teach, not dictate the latest gadget or trend.

Despair among the white working class

WaPo reports the research that identifies a sea of despair among the white, middle aged, working class. What we learn from this is the seismic shift in the economy due to technology and that the small government approach has not prepared the working class for the shirt (1972-today). Also, allowing drug companies to push their products has created an opiod epidemic. Lastly, democrats better wake up. Cue Warren and Sanders please! Brookings has a story on it as well.

Secret Service asks for $60 million to protect Trump

WaPo reports that the Secret Service requested $60 million to protect Trump and family. Um, this taxpayer says no. I want my tax dollars to go somewhere else. Oh, wait, that is not how this works. We should be appalled by this! Deficits, healthcare, cutting lunches for kids - all so he can have trips to Florida and his sons can conduct business???

Trump Organization is not forgoing foreign business and this includes Dallas

NYT reports that the Trump brand Scion that is eyeing a property in Dallas has deep ties to Russian and Turkish oligarchs . So the Trump business is not stopping foreign business and is continuing to to deepen its ties internationally. Why is this a problem? Because no decision Trump makes can be seen as not tainted.

Nunes really claimed incidentally gathering of info??

WaPo reports that David Nunes, chair of the House Intelligence Committee, claimed there was incidental info due to other wiretaps. Now, this bothers me because he went to visit the White House (um, if you are looking into the president you shouldn't be visiting with him) plus clearly the FBI denies this.  (NBCNews) Here is the thing: if they were wiretapping Trump Tower, then isn't that enough to raise some questions??? The Russia thing is a problem!

Koch Brothers against Trump?

Politico reports that the Koch Brothers promise to help fund Republicans who vote against AHCA. What does this mean exactly? I don't know.

Terror Attack in Britain

Several issues here. the WaPo reports that the man responsible was Brih born, although Muslim and influenced by terrorism (along with a criminal record). And of course Donald Trump Jr. attacked the mayor of London by taking his statement about preparedness out of context (WaPo). What this tells me is that nativism will not protect us; terrorism is more and more likely to be homegrown. And also, what if Londoners had guns? Would it have been worse (because he would have a gun) or better because others would have guns?

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Brown Center Report on American Education from Brookings. Key findings:
  • The U.S. continues to register mediocre scores on the Program for International Student Assessment, as it has done since the test began in 2000. U.S. performance in all three subjects—math, reading, and science—was no different statistically in 2015 than it was when each subject was first administered. 
  • International students still think U.S. schools are much less challenging than schools in their home countries. In 2001, 55.9 percent of foreign exchange students surveyed said their classes in America were “much easier” than back home; in 2016, that increased to 66.4 percent.
  • Analyzing data from California schools, Loveless finds that African-American students continue to be suspended at a higher rate than other ethnic groups. In 2013, the suspension rate for African-American students was 0.235, meaning 235 out of every 1,000 black students received a suspension; in 2015, it fell to 0.178. This is still dramatically higher than the 2015 rates of Hispanic students (0.052), white students (0.044) and Asian-Americans (0.012).

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Republican Healthcare modifications

Three articles: WaPo reports Trump stumped on Capitol Hill for the plan, threatening to "come after" Repubs who oppose the bill . Wow. Just wow. Can you imaging any of the previous presidents doing that? I get it; people wanted different. But don't you think this is a little threatening and authoritarian? Wa Po also reports on some of the budgetary adjustments that are supposed to help Medicaid and older people . This is far from a finished piece of legislation, and it doesn't do all that it is supposed to. I am still just shaking my head about it because it falls far short of the changes that need to be made to go either in a true free market direction or in a single payer direction. NYT has a great graphic on how the Repubs will vote in the HOuse and a NYT Upshot that explains the changes that were made and an article that explains the role of upstate NY in these changes . These changes definitely turn control over to states. Whether that is good or not, ??? Probably not, I don't think.

Ivanka gets an office??

According to CNN, Ivanka is getting an office and security clearance and the UK Independent report Robert Reich likens it to a coup . I wouldn't go so far as to say it is a coup, and truthfully she seems relatively sane even if shallow and corrupt. My biggest issue is where are the conservative voices that yelled to heaven when Hillary advised on healthcare without being elected? This is far worse in my opinion. Such hypocrisy!

Tillerson skipping NATO

And further proof of the Russia connection and the attempt by Trump and the Repubs to turn the U.S. into an oligarchy along the lines of China and Russia, Reuters reported yesterday late that Tillerson is skipping a NATO conference to visit with the China President on a visit to DC followed by a trip to Russia later in April. Coincidence? I think not. Wake up Americans! Gee whiz!

And the Russian connection get thicker

WaPo reports that Manafort, Trump's campaign chairman, laundered money from Russia & Ukraine.  So when are we going to do something about this?? Oh that's right, the Republican Congress doesn't give a crap about Russian interference as long as they get their way. The Republican are despicable anarchists (with the exception of a couple) that need to be voted out of office. Seriously, they make me ill.

Further proof society has lost the ability to handle cell phones

when the President can't stop tweeting and Congress USES IT IN A HEARING!! (according to WaPo and just about every other news outlet) I mean, really dudes, put up the freaking phones.

What the Trump Budget misses

Brookings analyzes how Trump's budget misses key support for cities and states that are the real drivers of prosperity . Trump is cutting funding in ways local budgets can't make up and making it harder for localities to attract business. He needs to learn from Hoover's experience of not helping cities and states and from Nixon's example of turning over local control. Except that would mean reading and studying and not tweeting. Am I the only one who think the White House and Congress need to put up their cell phones?

Ignoring Blue States

WaPo reports that Trump is heavily visiting states where he won and Sarah Huckabee Sanders suggested that it was basic math, ignoring the popular vote. The most disturbing thing is that Trump is clearly ignoring other sides. He is not representing America - he represents himself and his vision of America.

9/11 Families file lawsuit against Saudi Arabia

the Skimm directed me to an NBC channel that covered the filing of the first 9/11 lawsuite against Saudi Arabia . I have to say I agree with this and was not thrilled that Obama vetoed the legislation. The Saudis need to be held accountable in one way or another.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Election 2020 - Cash me ousside how bow dah?

From my often funny husband:
"Someone I follow on Twitter commented today that watching Trump dodder through his post POTUS years would be fascinating and wodnered who his Dave Frost would be. I responded to that by pointing out that the 'cash me ousside how bow dah' girl would need a job. Allow your imagination run wild [on the responses].
My offering was 'The 16 election, how you rig dat hoe?"

ROFLMAO! That is greatness I can't post on FB because of conservative snowflakes.

So much for free speech and an exchange of ideas

I am no fan of Tomi Laren but CNN's story that her show was not in production this week after she expressed her honest opinion about abortion should appall anyone who believes in free speech.

Russia connections and the what the hearing tells us

Several links here that all cover a more combative angle on the Trump Russia hearings. First CNN Christine Amanpour video analyzing the hearing and the extent Russia is going to in order to weaken democracy . PolitiFact covered the false tweets by POTUS Trump . Mother Jones (a liberally biased magazing btw) critiques David Nunes for focusing on leak rather than Russian connections and for not knowing Carter Page and Roger Stone. This does ask some good questions, but it is important to note the bias. NBC News reports a Timeline of Trump Associates and their connections with Russia .

The CNN Amanpour video is what you MUST watch!

White House has "eyes and ears" in key Cabinets

WaPo reports that the White House has put political aides into positions in various cabinet agencies to spy on the agency and watch for "leaks".  Am I the only one who thinks this is awful? I guess all presidents do this to some extent, and maybe I am being Chicken Little, but this spooks me. I know, I know, don't be hysterical. And to be fair, I look for a swastika everywhere with Trump. Still, it is worth being aware of.

Highlights from the Gorsuch hearing

NYT has a great article that covers the Gorsuch hearings in solid and unbaised detail, in case you wondered.

So what's up with the the Congressional hearing on Trump & Russia?

WaPo has 3 articles, the first is really good: Six Big Takeaways . This is an analysis piece that distills all the news into the big ideas. Essentially the wiretapping has no evidence, FBI is carefully investigating ties to Russia, Dems think there is collusion, Repubs are towing the party line and looking for intelligence leaks. For more details  read WaPo's article on Comey's testimony and on the White House Repsonse.

Solution to Medicaid?

WaPo ran an opinion piece by Robert Samuelson states that Medicaid is out of control, but there is a way to respond.  This is a compelling argument to streamlining costs and putting the right government agencies in charge of the right spending. Disabled and elderly long term care would got to Medicare and the federal government while impoverished aid and medical coverage would go to states to respond to their poverty needs. It would control some of the oversight issues and make the system more responsive. Government doesn't need to be cut, but rather changed.

US keeps falling in happiness ratings

This is a bit of a silly article but it does point out at the end that Trump's policies will make things worse. WaPo reports the World Happiness Ratings are out (yes, there really is such a thing) and Norway is first, with the US  being 14th (we've been falling every year). What is notable is the impact of government policies on happiness because the government influences many aspects to our lives. We have no idea to what extent the government shapes our existence and a return to the Gilded Age won't help. (I can make a historical argument where the American people have rejected the Trump policies - in other forms - twice in modern history and three times since mid 19th century.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Remember the Healthcare Promises Trump Made? Yeah, He Lied.

Huff Po reports Mulvaney stating clearly that this healthcare plan will not cover everyone.  They are claiming they want a free market but the insurance companies thwart the free market.

Mulvaney, however, was more direct Sunday, just admitting that “insurance for everybody” is impossible, since Republicans refuse to put in place a mandate to buy insurance. (And they’re not interested in a single-payer system, which would also offer universal insurance access.)

Two different views on the Trump-Russia Connection

The New Republic talks about the concerns and connections of the Trump Campaign with Russia while The Intercept warns there is not a Russia Smoking Gun . I am concerned about the Russia connection but I agree that big issues are getting pushed off. We need to worry about the overall impact to American democracy from many directions.

The real story of the Merkel Trump meeting

Wa Po analyzed the meeting with Merkel and there are interesting take aways. First, Trump is embarrassing the U.S. And he doesn't understand how any of this works. Are there things to talk about with NATO - yes. But first you have to understand the thing. AAARRGGHHH. It is so frustrating.

“Trump’s comments misrepresent the way NATO functions,” Daalder told us. “The President keeps saying that we need to be paid by the Europeans for the fact that we have troops in Europe or provide defense there. But that’s not how it works.”

Founding Fathers and preventing a corrupted Presidency

WaPo covered why the Founding Fathers wanted the President to have a salary and it highlights that they did NOT want the President to have business ties. Since Trump has promised to donate his salary (which he has not done yet) and has not divested himself of business (really, really - his sons running the company??) we should be very concerned. So much for loving the country and the Founding Fathers. Trump is not wrapping himself in an American flag - he is wrapping himself in a for sale sign.

Wikileaks is more about privatization rather than deep state

WaPo has a fascinating story on where Wikileaks gets its info . It tells you that the push to find intel for security has caused us to be less picky about who is hired and that is leading to the leaks. I still have issues with Assange though. He's a putz, albeit a smart one.

A Divided White House

WaPo reports that the staff inside the WH is divided among NY elites and populists (so much for the Kushners running the show) and that the foreign policy is equally divided . All I can say is that this type of internal competition is chaotic. FDR and Hitler both used chaotic administration techniques. As did Andrew Jackson. I think it is a bad thing.