
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Republican Healthcare modifications

Three articles: WaPo reports Trump stumped on Capitol Hill for the plan, threatening to "come after" Repubs who oppose the bill . Wow. Just wow. Can you imaging any of the previous presidents doing that? I get it; people wanted different. But don't you think this is a little threatening and authoritarian? Wa Po also reports on some of the budgetary adjustments that are supposed to help Medicaid and older people . This is far from a finished piece of legislation, and it doesn't do all that it is supposed to. I am still just shaking my head about it because it falls far short of the changes that need to be made to go either in a true free market direction or in a single payer direction. NYT has a great graphic on how the Repubs will vote in the HOuse and a NYT Upshot that explains the changes that were made and an article that explains the role of upstate NY in these changes . These changes definitely turn control over to states. Whether that is good or not, ??? Probably not, I don't think.

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