
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Freedom of Speech - It is a real thing. Suck it up buttercup.

I am no fan of Trump - bias stated. But if you wrap yourself in the flag, and run for office then you open yourself up to slings and arrows (mixed metaphors and references abound). WaPo reports Trump's response to Snoop Dogg's video - I have not watched because well frankly none of it is to my taste - but really, Dude (not the Lebowski use of the reference btw), you are Prez - rise above! It is called free speech and it includes things most "average" people dislike: flag burning, in your face homosexuality (it isn't that we mind what you do, we just don't get it and need time to adjust - I personally struggle with transgender, and I know the logic and agree with it but emotionally I struggle), protests that damage property, cuss words, and so on. I know, I know, it is pedantic. But whatever my misgivings on any controversial issue I SUPPORT THE 1ST AMENDMENT!!!! Snoop is using it and more power to him! If you love this country you should feel the same (at the risk of being preachy) - this is what young men die for! We may not think this specific case is worth it, but the big idea is. So suck it up buttercup.

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