
Saturday, July 15, 2017

A New Civil War

The American Civil War of 1861-1865 cost the U.S. over 600,000 lives, roughly 2% of the population. The American South was economically devastated, and America's absence from global economics led to expanded colonization in Africa and Asia. Arguably that is a broad summary statement that ignores a multitude of nuances but this is not about a history lesson on the Civil War. I am concerned for my country because I see the same polarization and identity fixation that led to the American Civil War. In the last week I have read/hear a couple of items that disturb me. Sean Hannity's show is increasingly claiming the "liberal left" is planning a coup. Senator Ted Cruz's latest fundraising letter claimed a liberal takeover. Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick claimed that the "left" wants a state income tax. To be sure, there is vitriol on the left. There are lots of 25th Amendment talks that are counterproductive and the Trump hate - which I totally get - ignores the issues in Congress and at the state level. Anti-fascists are destructive anarchists. Although I would suggest that the Tea Party cohorts of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are anarchists too, the are just the computer virus within the system instead of the baseball bat destroying the unit. Ultimately, this polarization makes Americans hate one another and that never ends well - see the American Civil War. Those of us who are just the average American need to reject that kind of talk.Turn off Hannity. Reject Cruz and Patrick. Ignore Louise Mench. Hold liberals accountable, such as when Johnny Depp joked about assassination or when Hillary disparages a huge swath of America as "deplorable". That is not excusable. We in the middle - socially, politically, economically - must create a dynamic environment and HOLD OUR POLITICIANS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WELFARE OF AMERICA. Wanting accountability does not make me or you a part of a coup d'etat! That is our system of government. And our government is doing things and planning policy that is not sound and is backward thinking, regardless of where you are on the political spectrum. We can massage how much government and how to use taxes and how to apply taxation and regulation but those are the characteristics of government. Our government has social responsibilities to the unborn, the elderly, children, women, those who lose their jobs, veteransm and much more. A democracy is about different viewpoints and challenging viewpoints. Anyone who suggest that First Amendment protesting or free press is a coup d'etat needs to go back to school. Likewise, anyone who supports extreme nationalization needs to go back to school. We are facing a challenging century, just as the late 19th century was challenging. We can take the easy road and hate one another or pull together and face this head on. It will be confusing, complicated, and messy. But triggering hate for one another is wrong. "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

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